App Rules Are Too Absurd For Us to Follow

App Rules Are Too Absurd For Us to Follow

We’ve reached the point where app rules have become absurd and laughable, to the point where we as users are unable to follow them without pain of some sort or another. We need to do something about this; what that something is, however, I’m not quite sure yet... but I can tell you what it won’t be: it won’t be listening to the complaints of developers. The following are several examples of rules in mobile apps and games that are so onerous that I refuse to use the app or game any longer simply because I cannot abide by their rules and/or requirements.

10 Things you are allowed to do

1. You are allowed to use the restroom. 2. You are allowed to drink water. 3. You are allowed to eat food. 4. You are allowed to sleep. 5. You are allowed to work out.

10 Things you’re not allowed to do

1. You can't use the app to purchase goods or services.

2. You can't use the app to gamble.

3. You can't use the app while driving.

4. You can't use the app while flying.

5. You can't use the app while in class.

7 things every parent should know about apps

It's no secret that apps are becoming more and more popular. With so many different apps available, it can be hard to keep track of which ones are appropriate for your children. Here are seven things every parent should know about apps

The 2 things our kids can download and play with

There are two apps that our kids can download and play with: one is for music and the other is for photos. Both of these apps have age restrictions that are too absurd for us to follow. The music app requires users to be at least 13 years old, while the photo app requires users to be at least 16 years old. We find these rules to be completely ridiculous and unnecessary. Our kids are perfectly capable of using both of these apps responsibly, and we see no reason why they should be restricted from doing so.

The 9 apps we absolutely won’t let our kids have

We’re not saying we’re perfect parents, but we do our best to protect our kids from the harmful and age-inappropriate content that’s out there. So when we came across this list of 9 apps that are supposedly too dangerous for kids, we were surprised. And not in a good way.

The only app my kids use (and I kind of hate it)

I never thought I would be the parent that would be okay with my kids being on screens all the time, but here I am. The only app my kids use is called Rules for Kids. It's a game where they have to follow absurd rules, like not being able to touch the ground or not being able to blink. I'm not sure what the point of the game is, but it keeps them entertained.

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